Bli medlem i Växjö DFF
Tack för din ansökan!
Vi återkommer med information om ditt medlemsskapNamn:
Larkin Russell #19
Födelsedatum och ort:
May 28, 1998 Spokane, Washington, USA
Moderklubb: Spokane Shadow
Tidigare klubbar:
Spokane Shadow, Colorado Rush ECNL, University of Portland NCAA Women’s Soccer, Hapoel Ra’anana in Israel, Omonoia in Cyprus
Vem är din förebild?
I have always looked up to my mom as my role model. She has given me so much in this life and I hope I can give my future family what she has given me.
Favoritövning på träning:
3 team game
Vad gör du innan match?
I like to relax, drink coffee, listen to calming music, eat a great pregame meal and get pumped up in the locker room with my teammates
Var ser du dig själv om 20 år?
I hope I will be working in the sports world in some way and still finding ways to travel and experience the world with my family and friends.
6 snabba:
Laga mat hemma / Äta ute
Kondition / Styrka
Morgonmänniska / Kvällsmänniska
Sommar / Vinter
Ringa / Sms
Cola / Pepsi